The material of tent cloth in camping tent has great influence on waterproof performance. The common waterproof tarpaulin materials are polyester fiber and nylon, and these materials usually have waterproof coatings on their surfaces. Waterproof index is an important index to measure the waterproof performance of tents. Generally speaking, the higher the waterproof index, the better the waterproof performance.
The seams of camping tents are also the key parts of waterproofing. Some high-quality camping tents will use waterproof tape to seal the seams to prevent rainwater from infiltrating through the gaps. When checking the waterproof performance of the tent, we should not only look at the waterproof index of the tent cloth itself, but also pay attention to the workmanship of the stitching.
A good camping tent needs good air permeability to reduce water vapor condensation in the camping tent. The inner curtain generally adopts fine gauze or light polyester fiber with good air permeability, which can ensure air circulation and prevent mosquitoes from entering. The outer tent also needs to be breathable. Some high-end tents will adopt special breathable materials or breathable designs, such as double-layer tent fabric structure, and there is air circulation space between the outer tent and the inner tent, which can effectively exhaust the moisture in the tent.
Khemah Kelambu Nyamuk Mudah Alih Perkhemahan Luar
Area:240*220*145CM, Fabric:Oxford cloth&polyester, Outside Tent Waterproof Index:>3000 mm -
Khemah Kalis Matahari Automatik Perkhemahan Luar
Place of Origin:Hebei, China, Brand Name:OEM/ODE, Model Number:ER-T-003, Area:1M, Fabric:Polyester, Outside Tent Waterproof Index:>3000 mm -
Khemah Perkhemahan 2 Orang Mudah Alih 4 Musim Kalis Air
Place of Origin:Hebei, China, Brand Name:OEM/ODM, Model Number:AX-TT-01, Area:240*220*145CM, Fabric:Oxford cloth&polyester, Outside Tent Waterproof Index:>3000 mm -
Khemah Perkhemahan Musim Sejuk 2 Lelaki Ultralight Luaran
Place of Origin:Hebei, China, Brand Name:OEM/ODM, Model Number:AX-TT-02, Area:240*220*145CM, Fabric:Oxford cloth&polyester, Outside Tent Waterproof Index:>3000 mm -
kerusi Tikar Pantai Lipat Tanpa Pasir kalis air
Tempat Asal:Hebei, China, Nama Jenama: OEM/ODM, Nombor Model:YT002, Aktiviti Luar: Barbeku Berkelah, Dengan Mod Mengembung: Lain-lain, Jenis Mat Kalis Lembap: Lain-lain, Lain-lain
Understand the Structure of Camping Tents
Tent pole: It is the supporting structure of camping tent, usually made of fiberglass or aluminum alloy. The price of glass fiber curtain rod is relatively low, and it has certain flexibility, but its strength and weight are not as good as those of aluminum alloy curtain rod. Aluminum alloy tent pole has high strength and light weight, and is a common choice for high-quality tents. The number and connection mode of tent poles determine the shape and stability of the tent. For example, a dome tent generally has 2-3 tent poles that are cross-connected, and the tent is propped up through the elasticity and tension of the tent poles.
Account cloth: including external account and internal account. The outer tent mainly plays the role of rain, wind and sun protection, and its material is generally waterproof coated polyester fiber or nylon. A good tent material is not only waterproof, but also breathable, which can reduce the condensation of water vapor in the camping tent. The inner curtain is mainly used to provide comfortable rest space, usually using fine gauze or light polyester fiber with good permeability, which can prevent mosquitoes from entering and ensure air circulation.
Ground nails and wind rope: Ground nails are used to fix the camping tent on the ground and enhance the stability of the tent. Generally, there are plastic, aluminum alloy and other materials, and different shapes of nails are suitable for different ground environments, such as sand and grass. The wind rope connects the tent with the ground. By adjusting the tension of the wind rope, the tent can be more stable in the wind. When building a camping tent, the correct use of ground nails and wind ropes is the key step to ensure the safety of the tent.
What Factors Should Be Considered When Choosing Camping Tents in Different Scenarios?
Leisure camping (such as parks and suburbs): If leisure camping is mainly carried out in a better weather environment, such as spending weekends on the lawn of a park or in a scenic place in the suburbs, then ordinary camping tents can meet the demand. This kind of tent can provide basic functions of rest, sun protection and rain protection, and the price is relatively close to the people.
Outdoor exploration (such as mountains and forests): When exploring outdoor environments such as mountains and forests, the stability and safety of tents should be considered. It is more appropriate to choose Four Seasons tents or Alpine tents, which can cope with complex weather changes, such as strong winds, heavy rains and even possible snowstorms. Moreover, these tents are more stable in structural design and can better resist the intrusion of wild animals.
Coastal camping: The coastal area is windy and humid, and there may be seawater erosion. Therefore, we should choose a tent with good waterproof and windproof performance, and the material of the tent should be corrosion-resistant. Some tents with sand nails can be better fixed on the beach.